Open House 2024
At the Open House the Angewandte opens its doors and is aimed at everyone who wants to get to know the courses on offer at the Angewandte or simply wants to take a look behind the scenes – into the studios, workshops and departments of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
On November 5, which is also Guy Fawkes Day & US Election Night, we welcome you at Digitale Kunst with open Labs, open kitchen, open doors. We’ll guide you through the premises; there are donuts, inserts, Q&A, and conversations. Wir empfangen Euch mit open Labs, offener Küche, offenen Türen. Wir führen durch die Klasse, es gibt Donuts, Inserts, Q & A und Gespräche. Le damos la bienvenida con labs abiertos, cocina abierta, puertas abiertas. Te guiamos por los espacios; habrá donuts, inserts, Q&A y conversaciones. Dočekujemo te s otvorene laboratorije, otvorena kuhinja, otvorena vrata. Vodimo vas kroz ucionice! Na raspolaganju su vam slatke krofnice i umetnost! Stojimo vam na raspolaganju ako imate pitanja! (Q & A)
From 10:00. Open end. See you there, bis dann, nos vemos, vidimo se!