S2E3: Was ein Maulwurf sonntags am Himmel hört
Elisabeth Töltl
14.11. – 24.11.2024
What does the subterranean realm hear about your leisure activities in nature? The solo exhibition “What a mole hears in the sky on Sundays” by Elisabeth Töltl aims to reveal precisely this as part of the Speedshow Series.
In her first sound installation, Töltl presents unprocessed sound recordings from an artificial “mole burrow”. A buried microphone recorded what a mole would hear “in the sky” in Vienna. Using headphones connected to molehills, visitors experience this sonic panorama from the mole’s perspective up close and are thus sensitized to the hidden dimensions of environmental pollution. (Text: Amanda Pöttenauer)
Elisabeth Töltl studies Fine Arts (Photography class / Gabriele Rothemann) at the Angewandte. Her work focuses on the human impact on the environment.

Installation: E.Töltl

Installation: E.Töltl, © Faiss

Installation: E.Töltl, © Faiss

Installation: E.Töltl, © Faiss