S2E4: Leere Stellen

Nele Hazod and Lynn Gerstmair

28.11. – 08.12.2024

As part of the Speedshow Series, the exhibition Leere Stellen (Empty Spaces) by Lynn Gerstmair and Nele Hazod will be on display at the Angewandte Schauraum in MuseumsQuartier Vienna. The passage as a space of transition: passing through, lingering, moving on. A glass space that opens up a view in both directions. The stories surrounding the extinction of the North American Passenger Pigeon, once one of the most common bird species in the world, serve as the basis for the textile works and etchings by Lynn Gerstmair. Ancient accounts describe how their massive flocks would sometimes darken the sky for hours — a black rush so dense that it would block out the light.

Photographs of empty spaces, grey surfaces, as inconspicuous as they are ubiquitous. Taken at the Kremsmünster Abbey in Upper Austria, Nele Hazod’s series not only reflects the tranquility of the place but also carries a sense of temporality that correlates with the motionless appearance.

Nele Hazod (*1998) studies Fine Arts / Photography at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Lynn Gerstmair (*1998) graduated in November with a degree in Textile Arts from the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale). In recent years, the artists have exhibited together in Vienna, Halle, and Rostock.

© Hazod

© Hazod